Florian Wanivenhaus
Dr. med. univ.

Florian Wanivenhaus

Consultant Spine Surgery
German, English



Honors and awards


Philip D. Wilson, MD, Award Hospital for Special Surgery
Krych AJ, Wanivenhaus F, Ng KW, McCarthy M, Doty S, Warren RF, Maher SA.
Cartilage Integration with Porous Nondegradable Hydrogels after Enzymatic Treatment of Osteochondral Defects in a Rabbit Model.


Nomination Maurice E. Müller Award
Wanivenhaus F, Mauler F, Stelzer T, Tschopp A, Böni T, Berli MC.
Revision rate after major or minor lower extremity amputation in diabetic or peripheral arterial disease patients.


Nomination Balgrist Wissenschaftspreis
Wanivenhaus F, Mauler F, Stelzer T, Tschopp A, Böni T, Berli MC.
Revision Rate and Risk Factors after lower extremity amputation in diabetic or dysvascular patients.


2021 Interdisciplinary Specialty Title Spine Surgery (SIWF)
2018 FMH Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology of the Musculoskeletal System
2016–2017 Written, practical, and oral examinations for specialist qualification in Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery of the Musculoskeletal System (FMH)
2010–2012 Post-doctoral Research Fellow Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, USA Supervisors: Suzanne Maher, PhD; Russell F Warren, MD; Thomas P Sculco, MD 
2010 Awarded degree of Doctor of Medicine, Paracelsus Medical University
2009 Electives/research at the Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, USA; Hospital for Special Surgery, NY, USA; Karolinska University, Stockholm, Sweden
2005–2010 Studied Medicine, Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg, Austria

University degree

2010 Awarded degree of Doctor of Medicine, Paracelsus Medical University


2005–2010 Medical Studies, Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg, Austria


Since July 2017 Spine Fellow Balgrist University Hospital, Zurich (Prof. M. Farshad, MPH)
2016–2017 Orthopaedics/Trauma Surgery (Prof. B. Jost), Cantonal Hospital, St. Gallen
2012–2015 Specialty Trainee, Orthopaedics, Balgrist University Hospital (Prof. C. Gerber)
2012 Specialty Trainee, Trauma Surgery (PD Dr. S. Hajdu, MBA), Vienna General Hospital, Medical University of Vienna, Austria


  • Swiss Society of Hospital Doctors (VSAO)



The go-to place for back problems

Spine surgery

The spine is a key component of the human body and spine surgery is correspondingly important at Balgrist University Hospital. The experienced surgical team led by Prof. Mazda Farshad specialise in the entire spectrum of treatment for diseases and injuries of the spinal column, providing patients with optimal support.

To the department